Every time you want to add Bithril to your Wallet, we start a new payment process with one of our payment providers. All deposits have a processing flow that must complete by adding your funds to your wallet.

During this flow, your Deposit might change between different statuses, each one describing what step the deposit is processing. The Deposit statuses are as follows:

Pending: At this stage, we have acknowledged your request to make a new deposit. HicceArs has recorded the payment details but did not start any payment process yet. The system must proceed to the next step automatically.

Processing: We have provided your deposit details to the payment provider you have chosen. At this point, we are waiting for the payment provider to give us an authorisation URL so you can complete the payment.

External: Our payment provider has acknowledged your deposit request and has prepared a payment flow where you need to provide your payment details and authorise the payment. If you don't provide any valid data or ignore this process, your deposit will be set as failed.

Succeeded: Your payment flow with our payment provider succeeded and we have been notified about your payment. At this step, your deposit has been added to your wallet.

Failed: Unfortunately, your deposit didn't complete successfully and we needed to set it as failed. Shall your funds have been credited from your account, please contact us with evidence of the payment and we will manually add the deposit to your wallet.