Deleting a profile is a process that removes access to your profile and all the content linked to it. This means you are not going to be able to use your profile to browse the HicceArs website, and your content will not be available for future purchases.
Please note even if your content is no longer available for new purchases, we might retain a copy for users that have bought (and paid for) your content, so they have a chance to get access and download it.
For further details about our data retention period, please read our Terms of Service and Privacy Notice.
Option 1) Delete one of your Profiles from the Profiles list page:
You need to get access to the page where you can list and create new profiles. Please follow the links included in the website header, so you can get access to the basic Profile Management page.
Then you need to click on the red button, which will display a confirmation message prior to proceeding with the deletion process.
Option 2) Delete one of your profiles from the Profile Management page:
Alternatively, you can get access to the Profile Management page (which is available from the top-right drop-down menu), so you can get access to the Profile Management page.
On that page, you need to scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you will see a red button to delete your profile.
After clicking on the red button, you will see a confirmation message prior to proceeding with the deletion process.